To incorporate your business in the state of Nevada, you have to go through the Nevada Secretary of State’s office. They have all of the instruction and forms right on their site and the process can be quite simple. The other option you have is to use a Registered Agent that is licensed in Nevada to submit your Articles of Incorporation and fill out the paperwork for you.
What Does it Cost to Incorporate my Business in Nevada?
The cost to register a foreign Limited Liability Company in the State of Nevada is one hundred and fifty dollars. If you do not list the managers, you have thirty days to submit their names. Since you are a Nevada corporation, they will charge you an additional two hundred dollars for a State business license. This is considered a tax on all new businesses registering. Each subsequent year, the cost is three hundred and fifty dollars which includes the cost of the business license. You must also file your annual list of managers.
The State of Nevada has a sliding scale for corporations. The fee is based on the number of shares the corporation lists in their Articles of Incorporation. The lowest fee is seventy-five dollars along with an additional one hundred and fifty dollars to file your initial list of officers. The cost for the State business license on a corporation is five hundred dollars for a total of six hundred and fifty dollars. Every year you file your annual list of officers you will also renew the business license for the price of six hundred and fifty dollars.
Why Should I Use a Registered Agent, Inc.?
- First, our customer service is superior to other agents in Nevada
- We will forward any Federal and State documents at no cost to you
- We will immediately notify you if your corporation has been served
- Our price to work with you annually is only $69.95 and we have not raised our fees for over fifteen years
- We help you avoid state-imposed penalties by sending you notification thirty days in advance that your annual filing is due
- We have been incorporating out of state companies since 2000
- We are family owned and operated so if you don’t get someone on the phone immediately, you will get a return phone call
- We have never had a complaint filed on us
- We focus our incorporation talents in Nevada and Wyoming. It would be impossible for us to know all of the statues and laws in all fifty states
- If you are up for your annual renewal and we don’t hear from you on a timely basis, we will do our best to contact you to get the filing done
- We will never upsell you by suggesting products you just don’t need.
- On your behalf, we take delivery of legal documents
- We will remind you of compliance necessities
- We even help our corporations by answering questions that may arise at no additional cost